Sex therapy and relationship counselling
for individuals and couples

Sex rarely stands alone

Sex is something you do, and like many actions, it rarely stands alone. Sexuality is who you are; it is shaped by numerous forces such as your family of origin, your education, your religious beliefs, as well as your chosen family, community and the governing laws and conventions of the society.

Your sexuality is about how you relate to yourself, others and the world around you. For many, there are unfortunate feelings of shame and guilt associated with the sexual body and desires.

By understanding where your attitudes and values are formed, you can be freed to make more informed and healthier choices. By knowing how your unique body functions sexually, you can grow intimacy with yourself and express your needs and desires more clearly and comfortably.

To book an appointment, contact Jocelyn


Being both a sex therapist and relationship counsellor, Jocelyn’s approach is multi-disciplinary. An appointment with Jocelyn can move seamlessly from issues of consent, to anatomy and sexual expression. Working with Jocelyn often entails the exploration and weaving together of the following three themes.


Sexual self-esteem

At some stage in our lives, most people experience some challenges sexually. Jocelyn will work with you to feel more comfortable in your unique body. Learn to tune into your body’s response and improve your sexual self-esteem.



Good intimacy requires time, effort and a desire to connect. Jocelyn will work with you to enhance your emotional and sexual intimacy. Learn to identify and confidently express your sexual needs and desires.


Psychosexual education

The brain is a major sex organ. Recognise that sexuality is a complex interplay of cultural messaging, past experiences and your physical makeup. Understand and enjoy your unique body and overcome any difficulties you may have.


Jocelyn can help
you with

  • Differing libidos, whether perceived as high or low

  • Overcoming uncomfortable sex

  • Genitopelvic pain disorder (Vaginismus)

  • All things erectile - getting and maintaining an erection; slow or quick ejaculation; performance anxiety

  • Learning how to be orgasmic

  • Gender identity and sexuality LGBTIQA+

  • Changes in bodily function due to ageing

  • Negotiating illness and/or surgery, for example, breast or prostate cancer

  • Growing emotional and/or sexual intimacy

  • Building sexual confidence along with increasing sexual knowledge and vocabulary

  • Relationship boredom and neglect

  • Moderating the compulsive use of media - pornography; sexting; chatrooms

  • Rekindle marital intimacy and sexual satisfaction

  • Rebuilding connection and trust after infidelity

Jocelyn’s Approach

Strengths-based sex-positive therapy and education that grows confidence and delight in your sexual body, sexuality and experience of sex.